N.B Please read this first - as I have gone into more detail about the Pantry in that post.
WHINGERS beware. This post singles you people out so stop reading now if you don't want to get your knickers in a knot - especially if you found fault in breakfast on the Eden.
I will start with another overheard conversation.
Whinger 1: "Every day, the same breakfast. I am sick of it!
Whinger 2: "Yep, can't handle it another day!"
W1: "Don't eat the sausages, I had two and they were foul."
W2: "Well, don't eat the bacon, It's too greasy"
Both leave with piled plates of various breakfast dishes.
My daily breakfast is usually tea and toast, sometimes oats. I have to wait 20 mins from taking my meds to eating and most days I'm flying out the door taking the kids to school and I don't have time to sit down. On weekends, hubby goes to town and makes crepes, french toast or big brekkie. Everyone is different - which is WHY buffet breakfasts, aka The Pantry, works so well (in my opinion).
If you want a served brekkie, the Waterfront offers and serves a variety of dishes. I'm not a morning person, so I only went there once. I had the thick banana bread which scrumdidilyumptious! The general consensus aboard the ship (remember, eavesdropper) is that the Waterfront breakfast was a notch above the Pantry.
What really got me angry, when I overheard the above snippet, is that there was EVERYTHING you could possibly want for breakfast. Let me try to list them all:
Eggs (done many ways), bacon, sausages, tomatoes, baked beans, pancakes, french toast, porridge, toasts, condiments, noodles, roast meats, fruit (tinned and fresh), yoghurt, pastries, bircher muesli and every single cereal you can think of (I've probably missed some options).
A freshly shucked oyster? A potted quail? The mind boggles. As the voyage continued, I heard more and more disgruntled passengers. I honestly couldn't bear it any longer and made sure I ate brekkie later than most others. And, I guessed most people complaining eat toast most mornings when at home. People are allowed to complain - I get it. You're on holidays, you want the best food possible, you've saved up for your trip. But, there was NOTHING to complain about at breakfast. You don't like the bacon? Eat something else. You will survive.
The (free) coffee at the Pantry was not good. Okay, spend a couple of bucks and have a yummy, barista made one at The Ocean Bar. The mocha was my poison of choice and I would chill on the chaise-longue and order one most mornings. However, if you drink tea, there is a wide selection (Lipton varieties) FOR FREE!
The Good: The pastries, the fruit, the scrambled eggs, the bircher muesli.
The Bad: The pancakes (very tough) and the french toast was too oily.
I loved that there was always fresh cut up fruit. I hate cutting up fruit. The kids ate piles of this with natural yoghurt - a great alternative to sugar-laden cereal. It also removed some of the mummy-guilt due to the kids guzzling copious amounts of desserts over the holiday!
P.S My husband who LOVES eating breakfast had a BIG BREAKFAST every day - bacon, eggs, sausages the works, every day. It was his favourite meal of the day, every day.
P.P.S I didn't have to cook or clean up breakfast dishes for 12 days.
Breakfast at Pantry opening hours: 6:30-11am
Breakfast at Waterfront opening hours: 7am - 10amBreakfast at Pantry opening hours: 6:30-11am