While trying to traverse the Sydney Harbour Bridge, at peak time, in the rain, and with three monkeys picking at each other in the back seat, my mind floated away to my happy place - cruising.
(Insert dreamy music..... "You will soon be aboard a heavenly seafaring vessel, laden with delights and colourful cocktails")
As our people-mover inched forward, we craned our necks to catch a first glimpse of Ovation of the Seas, however we barely had to turn our necks to see her! Rising above Circular Quay, dwarfing, yes dwarfing all other iconic features of the Harbour, she stood, or rather floated, majestically. Dirty grey billows of exhaust fumes intermingled with the soggy Sydney weather while the blue Royal Caribbean Crown and Anchor insignia pierced the dreary vista.
("Hurry up, Hurry UP." My internal voice screeched as my face melted in the humidity and my darling offspring took turns to poke me in the head from the backseat. I put up with this as mumma-guilt gave me a little more patience. They're dropping me off and will only get a glimpse from the outside).
"Mum, Mum, MUUUUUUUUUUUUM," Miss 9's voice cut though my reverie. Instantly what was left of my patience dissolved.
"WHAT!" I snapped as my hair started to frizz.
"What does Ovation mean?" the angelic voice quipped.
I made a promise a long time ago that I would always answer word questions to help increase their vocabulary.
"Well, you know when someone gives a speech and then you clap and cheer to show how impressed you are? Or sometimes before they even say a word, they just enter a room and get applause? And then sometimes you stand when you're really moved by their speech or performance? That's a standing ovation," I explained.
Miss 9 paused, mulling over the newly acquired info.
"Ohhh, so this ship is the ocean's cheer! Or maybe, it deserves a big cheer 'cos its so huge. Massive clapping and cheering and feet stomping," she grinned, excited with her explanation.
"I suppose so baby." Once again, intrigued with how little ones see the world around them.
With my daughter's words still circling in my mind, we finally pulled up to the Overseas Passenger Terminal - I was now up close to Ovation. It's very hard to put into words how I felt, but I almost broke into a round of applause, overwhelmed with the sheer size. This certainly is SuperCruising!
Ovation is the fourth largest cruise ship in the world and the biggest and most technologically advanced to sail in Australia
Let me give you some specs:
- 168,666 tonnage
- 41 metres wide
- 347 metres long
- 8.5 metre draft (The draft is the vertical distance between the waterline and the bottom of the hull
- 2091 guestrooms
- 1572 balconies
- 4 bow thrusters with 4694 horse power each
- 18 decks (16 for guests)
- 4905 total guests
- 1500 crew
I know these numbers are hard to visualise, so I'll just post a few photos. (Credit Delta Charlie Images )
When I first went on Carnival Spirit, I thought she was huge compared to P&O's Pacific Eden. For a comparison, Ovation is almost 150m longer, 10m wider, 6 decks higher and more than two times heavier. Wrap your noggin around that!
I wouldn't say I was scared, but I felt pretty minuscule as I lined up with the rest of the media entourage for our tour. Butterflies of excitement were bursting out of my mouth as I went through customs (stealing a pen - I'm a pen addict) and bounced my way through the metal detectors. I had to go through twice as I couldn't keep my hands still.
Skipping over the gangway, I nearly ran to get on board. Stepping through the door I was momentarily stupefied. You'd be forgiven if you thought I was partaking in a lame mannequin challenge, but I was stunned, dazed and at the same time wanted to run off, scoop my kids up and smuggle them aboard.