I'm excited, I really and truly am. My effervescent bubbles of joy are spilling forth and making poppity-pop-popping sounds around my giddy head.

While my DREAM would be to cruise full-time and savour the treasures of the multitude of cruise ships around the world, the reality is I can't.
I can't physically be on every cruise ship.
Trust me, I would love to try every cruise line and port and food offering (oh my, the FOOD) available, but I have a mortgage, kids and a full-time job.
Which got me thinking, how about our Cruising With Honey community? Our family is chock-full of AWESOME cruising enthusiasts who approach the cruisey life, the same way I do; positively, energetically and with such passion. We come from all corners of the globe and from different walks of life. But we have one thing in common: WE LOVE CRUISING!
May I present to you all... (da dad da daaaaaa)
Cruising With Honey Official Correspondents!
These correspondents will share their adventures via videos, images, livestreams on my social media channels.
The only rules are to be HONEST, ENTHUSIASTIC and to HAVE FUN! No ship or destination is off limits.
What an amazing way to see and share and experience cruising right from our homes! From every-day cruisers just like you and me.
I can't wait to see what our Correspondents will bring from ALL AROUND THE WORLD! Tips, reviews and other content will provide a plethora of useful information, creating a handy database for both seasoned and first-time cruisers.
If you're interested in being a CWH Corespondent, get in touch. Join HERE. More details will be added shortly.
*Obviously this is an unpaid, voluntary position and all material needs to be okayed by me before it goes public.