Why is it that children never give you any notice before hurling?
Miss 8 and I were waiting for tea. Without any warning she just chunders. I try to catch some, but it's liquid. They shut down the station.
Half an hour later, we're sitting soaking rays. She stands up and BAM, chunder number 2. A breeze at the exact time picks up, and the foursome sitting next to us get splattered. They thought it was rain. I bundle her up in a towel and we go shower.
"Mummy I feel better," she promises. We walk to the retail store and as she's walking, out spews forth another gush. Just like that, showering my feet. I don't even bother trying to catch any this time and just sit on the carpet until it's over.
Shower again, another sea sickness tablet, sleep.
I feel so bad for her but also praying I don't spend the rest of the cruise cleaning up vomit and she doesn't spend the whole time sleeping and chundering.