Swimming among the fishes... literally!

By Cruising With Honey - 10:32

We all loved Finding Nemo and ohh-d and ahh-d at the stunning (computer animated) colours of the Great Barrier Reef.

I'm no Dory, but I've always dreamed about snorkeling the Reef and reveling in the majesty of nature. One of the main reasons I booked this cruise was to go to the reef and I have talked non-stop about it to all that care to listen.

So, I jumped onto Cruise Control last night to pre-reserve a shore excursion. And guess what? Pre-reserve had CLOSED! Great one Honey, you've stuffed up your holiday before you've even left! After a sleepless night and scanning social media forums, I thought I would ask Trusty Google.

The stars must have been aligned or something, but I found and booked an amazing tour for my little mermaids and hairy merman. I found the amazing Heidi at Visit Cairns helpful and extremely friendly and now I can breathe deeply. No having to waiting in line at the Shore Desk queue aboard the ship, panicking about missing out and I saved about $200! We'll be doing a three reef cruise  aboard a smaller vessel - very personalised and NO crowds.

I also discovered the Eden will be docking at Trinity Wharf which means NO TENDERS! Another bonus!

Two days to go, I'm getting very, very excited!

P.S We bought the girls underwater cameras for their Christmas presents. Eat your heart out Jacques Cousteau!

P.P.S Lesson learnt - PRE-RESERVE ALL YOUR SHORE EXCURSION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I made a rookie mistake!

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