I have a knack for 90s song lyrics.
And a penchant for dancing on raised surfaces.
When the two are combined - and a few special Bianco Party cocktails are thrown in the mix - the sum result is a ridiculously exuberant night.Let me back-track a little and catch you up. Whether it's a short 3-night cruise or a longer Island Hopper, special Theme Nights are organised to make your cruise extra fun. You may recall me shopping for my Mexican Dress up for my last cruise in August on the Carnival Spirit. A lot of people make the effort, and in my opinion, it makes a big difference to the vibe of the entire cruise. I personally LOVE dressing up, and it doesn't take much effort or expense. My advice is to get involved in the Theme Nights, but make sure you check what's being held so you know what to pack!
Anyway, Night One of our Bad Mums weekend was scheduled as a Bianco Party. I had attended a Bianco Party or White Party last year on the Eden, and it was super great! So, after our yummy, early dinner at the Waterfront, we headed up to the deck for the festivities.
My head looks big in ALL the selfies I took as my arms are short. |
Not long after, revellers starting milling, the music started pumping and the smoke machine billowing.
The weather was PERFECT and everyone was in a happy mood. Except for Deano. Poor Deano. I will write more about him later, but he was staggering around so sloshed, our Mummy Instincts clicked in and we each took turns taking care of him and avoiding him falling on us and other party people. He paid for it the next day though, and had to wear a dress. Poor Deano. (n.b Deano is part a football team who go on a yearly cruise - a great bunch of guys who had some interesting drinking games)
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White Alexanders (I think?) |
Selfies |
Sun glass wearing photobomber |
As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, I have this uncanny ability that allows me to remember lyrics. Every. Single. Word. One of my best memories of the night was singing Spice Girls - Wannabe at the top of my lungs and a young passenger commending me for my skills.
"I'm impressed you know every word from ALL THOSE YEARS AGO," the teen beamed.
I chose not to take that as an insult to my age. Alzheimer's is still another decade away, I hope.
It must have been close to midnight when the Bianco Party wound up, but not allowing ourselves to be sensible, we continued to dance and laugh for a few more hours up at the Dome.
I have no idea what time we got back to out cabin, but among the giggles and the sore feet, we all agreed it was one of the best nights we'd had! And we still had TWO more nights to go! We chatted in the dark like young girls away at school camp, until slowly - one by one - we fell asleep, gently rocked by the mellow waves.