Expedition cruising has ALWAYS been an adventure I've dreamed about - one day. The thrill of being immersed in a remote, untouched and incredible environment with expert expedition leaders has been on my radar for a long time. But, I wasn't quite sure where to begin or what type of experience I wanted. I needed to find out more...
...and tonight I did! Swan Hellenic prides itself on giving their guests a sophisticated, elegant, inspiring, enriching and immersive cruise experience. The cruise line will NOT call itself 'luxury', but check out their ships! I just LOVE discovering new cruise lines. And these guys have been around for 70 years.

Unique touches such as EXTRA large windows, a nearly 1-1 crew to passenger ratio and an all-inclusive fare (yes, drinks are included), make this cruise line a stand out.
I've been so fortunate to travel overseas several times this year, but what I crave is exploring more of our stunning country. And, the Kimberley would be an absolutely spectacular destination.